- Nutritional Research
- Evaluation of job stress and job stress induced hyper tension
- Public as the part time health workers: Need of the hour
- Rapid urbanization in India
- Health in India: Reality & challenges
- Establishing a foundation and empowering education & research: A 'student-professional' partnership
- Study on prevalence of self medication in a south Indian district
- Traditional bone setters and the rural health status in India
- Evaluation of job stress and job stress induced hyper tension
- Public as the part time health workers: Need of the hour
- Rapid urbanization in India
- Health in India: Reality & challenges
- Study on prevalence of self medication in a south Indian district
- Traditional bone setters and the rural health status in India
- Smoking among adolescents in an urban setting: A household survey
- Food intake of young people, 15 to 25, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, according to anthropometric profile and health vulnerability index
- Individual and contextual characteristics associated to the functional limitation in Belo Horizonte, MG, 2002-2003: A multilevel analysis
- Access to kidney transplant in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais-Brasil, 2000-2005: A longitudinal study
- Access to kidney transplant in Brazil: A case of inequity?
- Use of information systems in health for assessing the assistance to chronic diseases: Patients with chronic renal disease in Brazil
- Program of high cost medicines in the Brazilian health system, 2000-2004
- Pre-graduate public health education in a new and global perspective in the faculty of medicine, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey
- The relation between child discipline practices and behavioral problems in a rural area in southeast of Turkey
- Evaluation of obesity in adult women living in Karatas primary health center area in Karatas district of Adana province, Turkey
- Prevalence and risk factors of cutaneous leishmaniasis in two villages of Adana province, Cukurova region, Turkey
- A university's male personels' knowledge and effecting factors about family planning
- Sexually transmitted diseases' knowledge and reporting among males
- A university's male personnels' perceptions about actual and ideal child number
- A university's male personnel's knowledge and attitudes about vasectomy
- Sexually transmitted diseases knowledge, and related influential factors among males
- Lot quality survey: An appealing method for rapid evaluation of vaccine coverage rates in developing countries – Experience in Turkey
- Diarrhea in 0-59-month-old infants living in two health center regions in Ankara
- Knowledge and viewpoints of health personnel on HPV in primary health care settings Ankara, 2008
- Health and Rights: Let's Keep Our Promises
- Ege Üniversitesi Hazırlık Sınıfı Ögrencilerinde Tütün, Alkol, Madde Kullanımı Ve Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzey Etkisi
- Public health education in Ege University medical faculty: Developing a community-oriented model
- Usual source of care of 0-5 years old children asociated factors and evaluation of health care in Burhaniye Balikesir
- Utilization of health services and related factors in 0-5 year-old children living in Burhaniye-Balikesir
- Why the children are at risk in their homes by exposing environmental tobacco smoke?
- Prevalance of smoking during pregnancy and breastfeeding and socioeconomical determinants
- Comparison of the functions of baby feeding before and after the family medicine in Edirne, 2008
- Monitoring quality of vaccination services provided for aged 0-23 months children in Edirne: Using lot quality technique and geographic information systems during health care reform period
- Comparision of public health functions before and after family medicine in Edirne
- Comparison of variation of vaccination status of 0-23 month children in Edirne during health care reform in Turkey
- Comparison of variation of vaccination application places for 0-23 month children in Edirne during health care reform in Turkey
- Provider and user evaluation of community-based health services
- Provider and user evaluation of maternal and child health services during health care reform period in Bolu
- Health services and some determinants after one year of transformation in primary health care services, Edirne, 2008
- Strategies and challenges for integrating PHC with other health system levels: Experiences of major urban centers in Brazil
- Primary health care in Brazil: Implementing a comprehensive PHC approach - Limits and possibilities
- Local experiences in primary health care in Brazil: Inter-sectoral approaches in large towns
- Primary health care in São Paulo, Brazil: As perceived by users, doctors, nurses and managers
- Family health or traditional basic care? What is the view of the users, doctors, nurses and managers in São Paulo, Brazil?
- Utilization of the family health program in a Brazilian metropolitan region: A methodological approach
- Quality in the assistance to the carrier of chronic renal disease: Factor associated to the provision of arteriovenous vascular access
- Access to kidney transplant in Brazil: A case of inequity?
- Use of information systems in health for assessing the assistance to chronic diseases: Patients with chronic renal disease in Brazil
- Program of high cost medicines in the Brazilian health system, 2000-2004
- Curriculum changes in a Brazilian dental school: The formation of dentists toward the community needs in oral health
- Effectiveness of oral health educative and mouth rinse programs in preventing dental caries in fluoridated area
- Construction of evaluation indicators in oral health for managers of the public health system of the area of Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil
- Oral health status in Cabo Verde, Africa: Partnership with a Brazilian educational institution
- Ambiguity, contradiction and prejudice in an information system of mortality: Reconstructing the Brazilian identity
- Potential years of life lost due to deaths by external causes: Differentials based on race/skin color
- Mortality by external causes in the intra-urban space in Brazil
- Association between job strain and psychological distress: Results from five epidemiological studies in Brazil
- Association between psychosocial work features and common mental disorders among informal workers
- Evaluation of metabolic syndrome prevalence in Eskisehir province
- Comparison of level of cardiovascular disease risk factors and level of risk factor knowledge in Eskisehir
- The evaluation of validity and reliability of grading scale of menopausal symptoms
- The evaluation of menopause symptoms of women at the age of 40-69 in Eskisehir rural areas
- Adjunctive micronutrient supplementation improves clinical outcomes of pulmonary tuberculosis patients
- Study of the anti-mycobacterial and cytotoxicity of medicinal plants used in traditional treatment of tuberculosis in northern Mexico
- Development of a novel metallo-lipid microparticle delivery system for a leishmania mexicana vaccine
- Analysis of the quality of the prenatal assistance to hypertensive pregnants in the south region of São Paulo's municipal district in 2008
- Eye health day care centers: Factors related to the preparation of child day care providers
- Comparison of the intrauterine growth curve of the city of São Paulo with the growth curve of a suburb low socioeconomic level population
- Student Congress - Making a Difference in Public Health: Education, Research and Practice
- Tobacco Control in Turkey
- Public Health Association of Turkey
- Do university students support a ban on smoking in university buildings? A comparison of seven european countries
- Public health journals' public health perspective
- Knowledge and attitudes regarding Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) among patients and their relatives: A study from Ankara, Turkey
- Existence of anti-tobacco news in selected newspapers: Example from Turkey Hacettepe University non-smokers' group
- The Rule of Law: What Does Public Health Have to Do with It?
- Community Mental Health
- Regional Cooperation of Public Health Associations: The Experience from the African Region
- Progress On Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis I
- Closing Ceremony
- Promoting access to basic health services in Africa
- Regional cooperation of public health associations
- Continuing Education in Health Care Development
- Health problems and health-care seeking behavior of the elderly in Bangladesh: A study in rural and urban area
- KAP study on HIV/AIDS in the garments workers of Dhaka city
- Towards a bigger success in eye care in Bangladesh
- Adverse events following immunization from a peri-urban community of Dhaka city
- Serotype identification of listeria monocytogenes isolated from ground turkey by multiplex PCR and relation between serotype distribution and antibiotic resistance profiles
- Prevalence and characterization of escherichia coli O157:H7 isolated from cattle
- Serotype identification and antibiotic resistance profiles of salmonella spp. isolated from broiler carcasses
- The 5-year incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women over 15 years old in Ankara, Turkey: A population-based study
- The prevalance of sick building syndrome among employees of a public corporation and its relationship between some risk factors
- Bordetella pertussis seroprevalence among 6-14 years old school children in Ankara, Turkey