This study conducted to investigate situation of community based health services provided by family physicians
Research was conducted in a sample of 0-23 month’s children representing Bolu, by using Lot Quality Technique. Surveys were performed on March 2008; this is a cross-sectional study with accuracy as ± 6%, confidence level as 95%. Sample size was 304 children, total number of lots was 38, minimum lot sample size was 8 and decision value was “one” per lot. Comments of providers and users of health care presented comparatively
According to 95, 7% of Family Physicians (FP) and 83, 8% of family health workers (FHW), ferrous is delivered to pregnant and infants at adequate levels. Access to these services among pregnant were 83, 9% and 63, 1% for infants reported.
According to 8, 6% of FP and 97; 1% of FHW, vitamin D is delivered to pregnant and infants at adequate levels. Access to these services was 94, 0% reported.
According to 100 % of FP and 97; 1% of FHW, screening services for phyenlketonuria is at adequate levels.
According to 94, 2% of FP and 88, 2% of FHW, family planning services are delivered at adequate levels. Participated women reported that 49; 4 of them get FP education and 67, 3% get any method.
In the case of infant feeding, reporting of sufficiency 92, 8% for FP 97, and 1% for FHW but only 60; 7% of mothers reported this care.
There are differences between providers and users on reporting delivered services by family physicians and family health workers. Service provision is limited to access to Family Health Centers. KEY WORDS: Health Care Reform, Lot Quality Technique, Maternal and Child Health Services, Family Physician Bolu
Learning Objectives: 1. Identify the maternal and child health services 2. Discuss political basic of maternal and child health 3. Evaluate performans of maternal and child health
Sub-Theme: Public Health and Research: Evidence Based Policy on Health