Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Objective: The aim of the descriptive study is to investigate the knowledge level and attitudes regarding CCHF of patients and relatives who applied to a health center in Ankara.
Material and Methods: The data were collected with a survey in between 8th-15th September, 2008 from 117 volunteer patients and relatives 18 years of age and older in Kecioren Sevkat Health Center.
Results: Majority of participants are females (66.7%) and mean age of the participants is 40.7(±14.5). 56.4% have primary school or lower level of education. 98.3% have heard of CCHF and all of them were informed by the mass media. Only 8.5% answered all questions regarding spreadroutes correctly. 82.5% think that those with the disease get well soon with early admission to health care. Although it was instructed to remove the ticks from body in posters in health centers, 87.2% would go to a doctor immediately prior to tick removal. %38.5 thought they shouldn't go to picnics for protecton. %94.9 found applying topical insecticides in urban areas useful while 80.3% found them useless at home. 92.3% requested widespread insecticide use in urban areas. The education level is significantly associated with believing that the disease would spread via respiratory route (p=0.039), being completely against going to picnics (p=0.013), believing that ticks should be eliminated from nature (p=0.046). Those with lower education are more willing to use antibiotics in case of fever following tick bite(p=0.022).
Discussion: Although most of the participants are well informed about the disease, they have some misbeliefs regarding spreading routes. The percentage of being informed from booklets is not so low; however it does not affect the percentage of incorrect knowledge. Therefore these document should be designed for people with lower education level wrong information given by the media should be corrected.
Keywords:CCHF, knowledge, attitudes
Learning Objectives: Evaluate the knowledge status of public regarding cchf disease
Sub-Theme: Innovative approaches on emerging diseases
See more of: Poster: Innovative Approaches On Emerging Diseases
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe