Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey. A total 562 self-administered questionnaires were distrubuted to parents from two different type schools. One of them is day-time school, the other one is boarding school. The ICD-10 definition of at least one wet night per month for three consecutive months was used. Chi-square test and a logistic regression model was used to identify significant predictive factors for enuresis.
Results: The overall prevalence of nocturnal enuresis was 14.9 %. The prevalence of nocturnal enuresis declined with age. Of the 6 year old children 33.3 % still wetted their beds, while 2.6 % of 15 years-olds. There was no significant difference in prevalence of nocturnal enuresis between boys and girls ( 14.3 % versus 16. 8 %). Enuresis was reported 18.5 % among children attending day time school, 11.5 % attending boarding school (p<0.05). Prevalence of enuresis was more in children living in village, with low income and with positive family history (p<0.05).After multivariate analysis, history of urinary tract żnfection ( OR= 2.02), age ( OR= 1.28), low monthly income ( OR= 2.86) and family history of enuresis (OR=3.64) were associated factors with enuresis . 46.4 % of parents and 57.1 % of enuretic children were significantly concerned about the impact of enuresis.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that nocturnal enuresis is a common problem among school children, especially with low income, smaller age, family history of enuresis and history of urinary tract infection. Enuresis is a pediatric public health problem and concerted efforts at all levels should be made such as preventive, etiological and currative.
Learning Objectives: 1. List four factors associated with nocturnal enuresis 2. Describe the prevalence of nocturnal enuresis in Urfa,Bozova in Turkey 3. Describe the attitudes of the families with child who has nocturnal enuresis
Sub-Theme: Innovative approaches on emerging diseases
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe