Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
The pregnancy rate among adolescents in Brazil has greatly increased and represents 20% of all childbirth in this country. Several factors such as sexual liberation, lack of education about contraceptive and the free will to become pregnant contribute to this situation. Due to pregnancy at school age, women leave school, what collaborates to keep social and economical differences. Despite that, it is important to think that this experience can be somehow positive to many of them, so it is crucial to consider all the social contexts that surrounds women before establishing an intervention. By observing this, first year students from the medicine course decided to act at this question. The objective of the work was to collaborate with the quality of life and health of the pregnant women and their children at São Quirino Health Center in the periphery of Campinas, Sao Paulo, with health promotion strategies, through the organization and administration of a pregnant group. After the identification of the adolescents and the survey data through a questionnaire, several meetings were organized with themes and workshops about: mother - psychological problems, care with the body, childbirth; baby - vaccines, hygiene, diet; and mother and baby together - benefits of breast-feeding, their rights, public daycare. The activities were realized with the staff from the Health Center, through an educational and stimulation work aiming that this group persists, and happen another times in the Health Center. As result the adolescents realized the relevance of health promotion when they become aware of the importance and cares with pregnancy, their children and rights. Also, the students learned about public health at an early moment of the course, by a practice way, what is extremely important at the exercise of Medicine.
Learning Objectives: 1. Recognize the relevance of heath promotion to the success of Public Politic of Health. 2. Develop Students of Medicine, and future physicians turned to Public Health. Contribute to the formation of consciousness mothers trough education in a Pregnant Women Group. 3. Mobilize graduation students to work with engagement in the Public Health. Construct a solid Pregnant Women Group in a Public Health Center.
Sub-Theme: Reforming public health education
See more of: Poster: Reforming Public Health Education
See more of: Public Health Education for the 21st Century
See more of: Public Health Education for the 21st Century