Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Introduction: HIV/AIDS is though not yet a serious problem for Bangladesh but there are lots of people in high risk-group, garment workers in particular due to their poor income, illiteracy and migrant status. Almost 2.8 million workers are working in this industry. Most of them are women.
Objective: This study tried to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices in this young aged males and females.
Methods: A cross-sectional study, descriptive in nature, on quick-survey basis, to explore the usual and common prevailing KAPs in the garment workers on HIV/AIDS. Two factories were selected for this purpose during 2006 and 507 persons were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.
Results: Demographic information was collected which reflected the lower income group (70%), mostly muslim, two-third married (63%) and migrated majority from northernBangladesh (30%). They have poor access to information through newspaper (10%), TV (40%) and radio (25%). They have heard of HIV and AIDS but it was found they have lot of misconceptions and confusions about the cause, mode of spread, pathology, prognosis and prevention modes. 60% respondents though expressed to get tested for HIV. 23% of the people said affirmatively of their visit to brothels. The frequency was 1-5 times in the previous year. Almost 80% of the group of people who had gone to brothels didn’t not use condoms. 20% of the respondents have experience of alcohol/ addiction items sometime or often. Cannabis is the main addiction means. Usage of sedatives is 10%. Conclusion: The particular needs and gaps of this highly vulnerable group of people should be addressed to avoid the risk of developing a concentrated epidemic. It is the right time to take proper precaution, advocacy and BCC campaigns for their awareness and education.
Objective: This study tried to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices in this young aged males and females.
Methods: A cross-sectional study, descriptive in nature, on quick-survey basis, to explore the usual and common prevailing KAPs in the garment workers on HIV/AIDS. Two factories were selected for this purpose during 2006 and 507 persons were interviewed using a structured questionnaire.
Results: Demographic information was collected which reflected the lower income group (70%), mostly muslim, two-third married (63%) and migrated majority from northern
Learning Objectives: Analyze the risk of migrant garment workers for HIV/AIDS
Sub-Theme: Health problems of migrants, refugees and minorities
See more of: Poster: Health Problems of Migrants, Refugees and Minorities
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe