In 1997, through resolution 1482, the Federal Council of Medicine authorized in
It is possible to notice that the institutionalization of this assistencial practice directed to transsexuals is absolutely conditioned to a psychiatric diagnosis that at the same time where it allows to the access to the treatment and the exercise of citizenship, is also a vector of stigma, that many times assigne a psychiatric clutter to the patient without questioning the historical questions, subjective politics and of this definition. So, this work has as objective develop a reflection about the definition of transsexuality as psychiatric patology through an analysis about the effect of the diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder in the health practices, discuting the transsexual's access and integral care in the brazilian public health.
Learning Objectives: Discuss the transsexual's access and integral care in the brazilian public health. Analyze the recente knowledge about transsexuality and discuss problems related to the "gender identity disease" as well as the repercurssions on the health assistance to those patients.
Sub-Theme: Social determinants of health and disease
See more of: Public Health Research & Policy Development