- The social representation of dot by healthcare professionals from Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- The social representation of dot by TB patient from Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- The challenge of tuberculosis control in prisons, Sao Paulo state, Brazil
- Lessons learned with tuberculosis active case finding in two prisons, municipality of Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
- Analysis of the tuberculosis trend in the S. Paulo state (SPS) 1998 to 2007
- Oportunity and completeness of web-based TB surveillance system
- Actions of rehabilitation in group to visual impairments: Characteristics and perceptions of the users
- Promotion of the ocular health: Perception and conduct of mothers of schoolchildren
- Visual health in elderly: The impact of demography changes
- Teachers' perception on the eye health in the school under public health perspective
- Improving the Health of the Socially Marginalised: A Workshop On Capacity Building in Public Health Associations
- Improving the Health of the Socially Marginalised: Examples of technical support available from WHO Health in Prisons Project
- Improving the Health of the Socially Marginalised: Achieving policy review and sustainable change, based on 15 years experience of the WHO Health in Prisons Project
- Two Approaches to Build Capacity in Meeting the Socially Marginalised: WHO Europe and WHO PAHO
- A Draft Policy Resolution for the WFPHA
- Mental health promotion in prisons
- Health seeking behavior of general population: An experience from Islamabad
- Headache: Perceptions and practices of a Pakistani
- Cigarettes and their adverse effects: Views of Pakistani population
- Trends of smoking: An experience from a household survey in Pakistan
- Delay in presentation to healthcare facility in gynecology in-patients
- Practice of female population towards breast cancer: An experience at a tertiary care hospital in Rawalpindi
- Multi-centre study in primary health care: Health care models, health system integration and intersectoral relations in urban contexts in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
- Strategies and challenges for integrating PHC with other health system levels: Experiences of major urban centers in Brazil
- Globalization and Global Health - Moving Beyond Analysis towards a New Agenda of Action
- Controlling the Tobacco Epidemic
- Primary health care professional masters programme in Brazil: Investing in human resources to strengthen the national health system
- Education for activism and the struggle for health: The experience of the International People's Health University
- Global partners in anesthesia and surgery: A model partnership between two academic institutions to build surgical and perioperative services in Uganda
- Current prehospital trauma care in Kampala, Uganda and a pilot training program for lay-first responders
- Disparities in injury mortality patterns: Comparing Uganda and the United States
- Quality in the assistance to the carrier of chronic renal disease: Factor associated to the provision of arteriovenous vascular access
- Access to kidney transplant in Brazil: A case of inequity?
- Survival of patients under renal replacement therapy (RRT), admitted in 2000 according to the entry modality, Brazil 2000 – 2004
- Social exclusion and health inequity in Mexico: A socio-spatial analysis
- Demographic challenges for public health in Mexico
- Households with smoking restrictions in Guadalajara, Mexico: Characteristics and associated factors
- Violence against children in Guadalajara, Mexico: A public health perspective
- Extending public health teaching at the undergraduate level: What attracts students from non-public health stream?
- Knowledge, attitude and practices of co-benefits to improve health and climate change in Chinese population
- Community responses and health-seeking behavior during elevated temperature in Chinese population
- The relationship between paternal age and birthweight: Evidence from Hong Kong 2000-2005
- Demographic changes and effects of globalization on alcohol consumption patterns and drunk driving in Hong Kong
- Multidisciplinary integration to public health training: Moving towards undergraduate public health education
- Usual source of care of 0-5 years old children asociated factors and evaluation of health care in Burhaniye Balikesir
- Utilization of health services and related factors in 0-5 year-old children living in Burhaniye-Balikesir
- Estimation of the incidence and completeness of reporting of tuberculosis in Izmir 2003-2005: Capture-recapture methods