- Smoking among adolescents in an urban setting: A household survey
- Access to kidney transplant in Brazil: A case of inequity?
- Food intake of young people, 15 to 25, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, according to anthropometric profile and health vulnerability index
- Individual and contextual characteristics associated to the functional limitation in Belo Horizonte, MG, 2002-2003: A multilevel analysis
- Remote telemedicine in urban settings: Prognostic value of chest pain
- Suicide attempts in schizophrenia
- Patient and provider satisfaction with health care to cardiovascular emergencies in Brazil: Cardiosatis scales – minas telecardio project
- Survival of patients under renal replacement therapy (RRT), admitted in 2000 according to the entry modality, Brazil 2000 – 2004
- Daily consumption of fruits and vegetables: The household influence, Belo Horizonte-Minas Gerais, 2002-2003
- Lot quality survey: An appealing method for rapid evaluation of vaccine coverage rates in developing countries – Experience in Turkey
- Mental symptoms and its association with social participation among first and forth grade students of business administration and computer engineering faculties of a private university in Ankara
- Brazilian national telehealth program
- Management education/training programme of Brazilian Ministry of Health
- Changes in dental education for primary health care: The Brazilian experience with Prosaude
- Human resources for health: Time for a global mobilization, the role of the Global Health Workforce Alliance
- The VCPH: a Country Perspective
- Prevalence and risk factors of febrile convulsion in between the ages of 3 months – 6 years children in Trabzon
- Prevalence and risk factors of epilepsy in between the ages of 0-17 years children in Trabzon
- Vaccination status of 12 – 23 month-old children and convenient of data obtained from mothers and primary health care center records, in Trabzon-Turkey
- Prevalence and risk factors of febrile convulsion in between the ages of 3 months – 6 years children in Trabzon
- Prevalence and risk factors of epilepsy in between the ages of 0-17 years children in Trabzon
- Vaccination status of 12 – 23 month-old children and convenient of data obtained from mothers and primary health care center records, in Trabzon-Turkey
- Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Son Sinif Ogrencilerinin Mesleki Riskler Konusundaki Bilgi Düzeyleri
- Samsun'da Lise Ögrencilerinin Fiziksel Siddete Maruziyetinin Degerlendirilmesi
- The prevalence of the home accidents and affecting factors among elderly in Samsun, Turkey
- Bullying among students in Samsun, Turkey
- Violence towards primary health care workers in Samsun, Turkey
- Violence towards married women in the provincial centre of Samsun
- The knowledge level of last year medical students in Ondokuz Mayis University about avian influenza
- The investigation of factors effecting smoking addiction levels of nursing students
- Evaluation of employers' attitude towards occupational health and basic practices concerning occupational health and safety in small scale enterprises
- Effects of nursing staff employment on patient satisfaction, job satisfaction and hospital infections
- Anthropometry, physical activity practice and smoking among under graduate students iin health care programs at a Brazilian university
- Prevalence of inadequacy for macronutrient and fiber intake among Brazilian university students in the health care field
- Weight gain management in smoking cessation treatments
- Attitudes and behaviors of religious officials with regard to organ transplant and donation in Kayseri, Turkey
- Burnout reduction in medical education: An intervention
- The opinions and behaviours of women on delivery mode who delivered at a selected urban health center area of Kayseri Province
- Depression and associated factors among medical students: A cross-sectional study in Kayseri, Turkey
- The knowledge attitude and behaviours of female health professionals regarding the breast cancer in Çorum, Turkey
- Functional limitations associated with chronic health conditions among school-aged children, in Kayseri, Turkey
- Knowledge, attitude and practices of co-benefits to improve health and climate change in Chinese population
- Community responses and health-seeking behavior during elevated temperature in Chinese population
- The relationship between paternal age and birthweight: Evidence from Hong Kong 2000-2005
- Why Are older people health needs being forgotten during post disaster relief in developing countries? A health care provider survey of 2005 Kashmir, Pakistan earthquake
- Skills Building Workshop On Advocacy for Smoke-Free Environments
- Poverty, Health and Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals I
- Poverty, Health and Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals II
- Tobacco Control: A Truly Global Public Health Effort
- Canadian Public Health Association
- Building policy and advocacy capacity one step at a time
- Smoking prevalence in pre- and post-natal women in Serbia
- The survey of patients' satisfaction: The experience at Cheng Hsin rehabilitation medical center
- The evaluation of video-based lamaze method on controlling primiparas labor pain
- Gender difference of the effects of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- The effectivenesss of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Quality in the assistance to the carrier of chronic renal disease: Factor associated to the provision of arteriovenous vascular access
- Access to kidney transplant in Belo Horizonte/Minas Gerais-Brasil, 2000-2005: A longitudinal study
- Access to kidney transplant in Brazil: A case of inequity?
- Use of information systems in health for assessing the assistance to chronic diseases: Patients with chronic renal disease in Brazil
- Program of high cost medicines in the Brazilian health system, 2000-2004
- Survival of patients under renal replacement therapy (RRT), admitted in 2000 according to the entry modality, Brazil 2000 – 2004
- Gender difference of the effects of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- The effectivenesss of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Public health education in Ege University medical faculty: Developing a community-oriented model
- Usual source of care of 0-5 years old children asociated factors and evaluation of health care in Burhaniye Balikesir
- Utilization of health services and related factors in 0-5 year-old children living in Burhaniye-Balikesir
- Avoiding identities: The health between submission and the resistance
- Ambiguity, contradiction and prejudice in an information system of mortality: Reconstructing the Brazilian identity
- Why in this place?
- Death by external causes; A study about race/color identification by skin in medical legal institute of Salvador/Bahia/Brazil, 2007
- Saglık Okuryazarlık Düzeyi Ve Hasta Hekim Ilıskısının Degerlendirilmesi
- Health content analysis of organ donation and transplantation news in Turkish print media
- HIV/AIDS knowledge behaviour and atitudes of university studentsand youths: Evaluation of HIV/AIDS peer education programmes in Turkey and in Armenia
- Education research findings from physicians in Canada - implications for practice and public health outcomes
- Impact of the rotavirus vaccine on the incidence of diarrhea in children: A study on temporal tendency
- Prevalence of inadequacy for macronutrient and fiber intake among Brazilian university students in the health care field
- Fat intake profile, socioeconomics status and anthropometric relationship among adults living in a Brazilian middle-town