- Anthropometry, physical activity practice and smoking among under graduate students iin health care programs at a Brazilian university
- Prevalence of inadequacy for macronutrient and fiber intake among Brazilian university students in the health care field
- Weight gain management in smoking cessation treatments
- Student alcohol consumption at the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero - Argentina
- Nutritional treatment of diabetes mellitus focusing in the fibres as dietary components
- Research about nutrition of poor people above 18 years old from Alto do Zeca community, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil)
- Study about nutrition habits in children from the community Sombra dos Eucaliptos, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil)
- Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs use by students of pharmacy in the University of Barcelona – Spain
- Automedication
- Contribution to pharmacosurveillance through the study of prevalence of the use of allopathics and phytotherapics in communities assisted by peslutan 2004
- Performance of peslutan in ten years (1996-2005)
- Student alcohol consumption at the Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero - Argentina
- Nutritional treatment of diabetes mellitus focusing in the fibres as dietary components
- Research about nutrition of poor people above 18 years old from Alto do Zeca community, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil)
- Study about nutrition habits in children from the community Sombra dos Eucaliptos, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil)
- Tobacco, alcohol and other drugs use by students of pharmacy in the University of Barcelona – Spain
- Automedication
- Contribution to pharmacosurveillance through the study of prevalence of the use of allopathics and phytotherapics in communities assisted by peslutan 2004
- Performance of peslutan in ten years (1996-2005)
- Ondokuz Mayis Üniversitesi Tip Fakültesi Son Sinif Ogrencilerinin Mesleki Riskler Konusundaki Bilgi Düzeyleri
- Intern Doktorlarin Beslenme Aliskanliklarinin Saptanmasina Iliskin Bir Arastirma
- Samsun'da Lise Ögrencilerinin Fiziksel Siddete Maruziyetinin Degerlendirilmesi
- The prevalence of the home accidents and affecting factors among elderly in Samsun, Turkey
- Bullying among students in Samsun, Turkey
- Violence towards primary health care workers in Samsun, Turkey
- Violence towards married women in the provincial centre of Samsun
- Drug utilization studies as a tool to decision making in health care policy: Contributions of the Brazilian health-price databank to health technology assessment
- Law and health: The jurisprudence of the court of Rio de Janeiro in relation to the supply of drugs by the health system
- Essentiality and legal access to medicines
- Health litigation equity and justice in health?
- The work of permanent health education facilitators for the qualification of SUS health care in the region of Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil
- Assessment of organizational and performance characteristics of basic health care units in the west district of Ribeirão Preto–SP
- Duplication of family health services - expression of user's dissatisfaction
- University-health services partnership: Training professionals for the integrality of primary health care (PHC)
- New Trends in Knowledge Dissemination
- Strengthening Health Systems through Quality Improvement in Public Health Education
- Research on Human Resources in Health
- The Virtual Campus in Public Health: An Initiative of the Pan American Health Organization to Improve the Public Health Competencies of the Workforce
- The evolving role of schools of public health in the 21st century
- Global knowledge and information sharing networks
- Global community of practice: Public health education taskforce
- Institutional self-assessment in public health education
- The diaspora and public health capacity building
- Global knowledge network for public health workforce: Innovative approach to strengthen public health capacity worldwide
- Mugla Devlet Hastanesinde Çalýþan Hemþirelerin Þiddetle Karþýlaþma Durumlarýnýn Ýncelenmesi
- Smoking prevalence among Mugla School of Health Sciences students in Mugla University and the increasing causes of smoking
- Smoking status of university teachers and education of the university teachers in service about smoking
- Architectonic barriers and handicapped subjects: An epidemiological study of the physical structure of health service units in seven Brazilian states
- Physical activity in adults and elderly living in areas covered by primary health care units in municipalities of the south and northeast regions of Brazil
- Prevalence of falls and associated factors in older adults
- Population perception of risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases
- Epidemiological and socio-demographic profile of primary care workers in the south and northeast of Brazil
- Effectiveness of antenatal and well-baby care in primary health services from Brazilian south and northeast regions
- Epidemiology and primary health care network: Research strategy and support to local services
- Antenatal care coverage in great urban centers in Brazil
- Measuring emotional overload in relatives of people with psychiatric suffering of pelotas-RS, Brazil
- Profile of the demand assisted in basic units in the south and northeast regions of Brazil: Differences by care model
- E-health in Rio de Janeiro state - Brazil: Promotion and education in primary attention to health
- The profile of a primary attention worker in Brazilian health system: The community health agent
- Information and health human resources management system in African countries of Portuguese language: A cooperation between Brazil and Guinea Bissau
- Management of the workforce in health in the Brazilian public health system
- Collaborative Public Health Research in Diverse International Contexts: Forging Partnerships, Conducting Assessments, Adapting and Testing HIV Prevention Interventions in Brazil, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.
- Collaborative public health research in diverse international contexts: Forging partnerships, conducting assessments, adapting and testing HIV prevention interventions in Brazil
- Knowledge of 15-49 aged women applying to primary health care centers in the provincial center of Kayseri about family planning methods and prevalence of contraceptive methods usage
- Depression and associated factors among medical students: A cross-sectional study in Kayseri, Turkey
- The short period effects of “smoke-free workplaces law” on the cigarette smoking among workers in Kayseri, Turkey
- Diet, Physical Activity and Health: National Implementation of the Global Strategy
- The Role of National Institutes of Public Health in Advancing the Populations' Health
- Panel On Partnership Toward Making a Difference in Global Health
- WHO global strategy and background, action plan and its implementation
- Enhancing Global Capacity in the Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of Chronic Diseases: Seven Themes to Consider and Build Upon