Connecting communities for health (CCH) is a city wide programme aimed at tackling health inequalities and improving health through community capacity building using community empowerment model in Peterborough. The success of the programme involves partnership working with a wide range of organisations and community groups. Peterborough is a growing city, with very diverse population located in Cambridgeshire county of UK. Peterborough has resident population of around 163,000 residents.
Some pockets of Peterborough are very deprived and disadvantaged and their residents suffer the worst health outcomes resulting in high level of CHD, obesity, diabetes etc. Whereas early intervention aimed at behaviour change can help not only in improving the health of those living with long-term conditions in community, but it will also help in making communities more aware, responsible and be able to take control of their own health.
This programme is based on focused, targeted approach with individuals and community groups based in most deprived and disadvantaged areas of Peterborough. Implementation of this programme is achieved through Health Promotion programmes and training delivered in the community and evaluated to see the impact of training in adopting healthy life styles by participants. Under the umbrella of CCH we are delivering MEND, Self Care, Expert Patient Programme and Health Connectors programmes, covering a broad range of population from young children to older people, tackling the wide range of health prevention issues from obesity to chronic health conditions.
The evaluation of programmes so far has proved that these Health Promotion programmes are helping the people of Peterborough to be more responsive towards their own health needs and are making required changes in their lifestyles to work in harmony towards the adoption of WHO definition of health (social, physical and emotional well being) in their day to day life.
Learning Objectives: Connecting communities for Health - Peterborough approach to tackle inequalities in Health. Promote adoption and implementation of World Health Organisation defination of Health in day to day life of residents of Peterborough.
Sub-Theme: Building a civil society to support healthy communities
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe