Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizing the transitional epidemiological moments in which the risk factors can coexist, interact and can be associated to the decrease in the physical activity and to feeding problems among others factors, added to the demographic transition, globalization that intensifies either social inequalities in the city or the environment problems, and habits and patterns in life and in the work, establishes some guidance to deal with these challenges. The global strategy to promote healthily feeding, physical activity and health (WHO) is a recognized world guidance. In Brazil the Health Ministry defines a health commitment program based on three thematic axes: The Brazilian System of Health (SUS), the defense of live and the operating pacts. Among the operating behavior of the life defense pact, the national health promotion policy is highlighted. As part of this movement, the Center for Disease Control and prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA jointly with other center produced and translated by CELAFISCS in 2002 year an instrument to evaluate physical activity- Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. The physical activity, known as a health promotion strategy can be used to promote the knowledge articulations, perception of the development of the own body, the empowerment, advocacy, social mobilization and mainly neighbor perception where the conscious prating/ present individual is inserted. This study aimed to identify the principles, values and conditions for the evaluation Promotion Health Intervention, elaborated by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. An adaptation of the standard table for the evaluation of the health promotion was carried out by inserting a new column where the presence or absence of the manual conditions is pointed out. Furthermore between each of the values/principles a line is inserted for comments about the potentialities and perspectives that will be further discussed.
Learning Objectives: Discuss the insertion of the Promotion of Health view in the Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook of CDC (Center for Disease Control) of Atlanta. Rethink the actions of Health Promotion utilizing Physical Activity as strategy.
Sub-Theme: Health Promotion as a strategy for intersectoral action
See more of: Poster: Health Promotion as a Strategy for Intersectoral Action
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe