- Effluents of radiographic image processing
- Environmental health and nursing: An interdisciplinary experience in education, research and practice
- Determination of some physical and chemical parameters in public water supplies in RibeirÃo preto-SP, Brazil
- Risk management: The relations between environment risk factors and the impact on the public health of the rural zone in Brazil
- Cryptosporidium ssp. oocysts, giardia ssp. cysts and virus in sewage and sewage sludge: An approach for public health
- Identification and quantification of heavy metals, parasites and bacteria in urban wastewater before and after treatment in the sewage treatment station of Ribeirão preto, s.p
- Environmental risk and waste management in a university hospital in Canada: A case study
- Public health education in Ege University medical faculty: Developing a community-oriented model
- The relation between quality of life and social support in gay men: A case of İzmir, Turkey
- Why the children are at risk in their homes by exposing environmental tobacco smoke?
- The relationship between quality of life and self-care agency in chemotherapy treated lung cancer patients
- The psycho-social benefits of home: A cross-sectional study from Turkey
- Lot quality survey: An appealing method for rapid evaluation of vaccine coverage rates in developing countries – Experience in Turkey
- Accidents increase in bad housing conditions: A cross-sectional study
- Housing and immediate environment conditions and their association with health in a health center region
- Diarrhea in 0-59-month-old infants living in two health center regions in Ankara
- Mortality records in one district in the capital of Turkey, 2007
- HIV risk reduction interventions for youth in sub-saharan Africa in a theoretical perspective: Gaps in theory and the “relational-situational” factor
- Hidden violence is a silent rape: A participatory assessment of sexual & gender-based violence determinants in female and male refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Belgium and the Netherlands
- Architectonic barriers and handicapped subjects: An epidemiological study of the physical structure of health service units in seven Brazilian states
- Physical activity in adults and elderly living in areas covered by primary health care units in municipalities of the south and northeast regions of Brazil
- Prevalence of falls and associated factors in older adults
- Population perception of risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases
- Epidemiological and socio-demographic profile of primary care workers in the south and northeast of Brazil
- Effectiveness of antenatal and well-baby care in primary health services from Brazilian south and northeast regions
- Epidemiology and primary health care network: Research strategy and support to local services
- Antenatal care coverage in great urban centers in Brazil
- Measuring emotional overload in relatives of people with psychiatric suffering of pelotas-RS, Brazil
- Profile of the demand assisted in basic units in the south and northeast regions of Brazil: Differences by care model
- Knowledge and attitudes about science and scientific research amongst medical students of Trakya University Medical Faculty
- Violence among university students in Edirne-Turkey
- Nutrition and physical activity among university students
- Levels of work-related stress and mental health problems among emergency ambulance workers in Edirne – Turkey
- Cigarette, alcohol and substance use among Trakya University students
- Values and attitudes of midwifery and nursing students on gender inequality and adolescent sexuality
- Architectonic barriers and handicapped subjects: An epidemiological study of the physical structure of health service units in seven Brazilian states
- Physical activity in adults and elderly living in areas covered by primary health care units in municipalities of the south and northeast regions of Brazil
- Prevalence of falls and associated factors in older adults
- Population perception of risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases
- Epidemiological and socio-demographic profile of primary care workers in the south and northeast of Brazil
- Effectiveness of antenatal and well-baby care in primary health services from Brazilian south and northeast regions
- Epidemiology and primary health care network: Research strategy and support to local services
- Antenatal care coverage in great urban centers in Brazil
- Measuring emotional overload in relatives of people with psychiatric suffering of pelotas-RS, Brazil
- Profile of the demand assisted in basic units in the south and northeast regions of Brazil: Differences by care model
- Prevalence and risk factors of febrile convulsion in between the ages of 3 months – 6 years children in Trabzon
- Prevalence and risk factors of epilepsy in between the ages of 0-17 years children in Trabzon
- Vaccination status of 12 – 23 month-old children and convenient of data obtained from mothers and primary health care center records, in Trabzon-Turkey
- Dünya'da Ve Türkiye'de Gıda Güvenliğinde Son Durum: Gdo Ve Halk Sağlığı
- Saglık Gelisiminde Yeni Bir açılım: TAT Uygulamaları Hemşirelik Egitiminde Yer Alabilir Mi?
- Küresel Isinma Halk Sagligina Tehdit Mi? Halkin Bilinçlendirilmesi Ve Sagliga Etkilerinin Azaltilmasinda Hükümetlere Düsen Görevler
- The role of occupational health nurse in hazard and risk assessment of work environment
- The survey of patients' satisfaction: The experience at Cheng Hsin rehabilitation medical center
- The evaluation of video-based lamaze method on controlling primiparas labor pain
- The effectivenesss of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- Health Effects of Global Environmental Changes
- Cost-benefit analysis of screening for diabetic retinopathy among Chinese type 2 diabetes: Decision from different perspectives of a population-based study in Kinmen, Taiwan
- The survey of community residents' medical demand in Peitou district, Taipei
- The survey of patients' satisfaction: The experience at Cheng Hsin rehabilitation medical center
- The evaluation of video-based lamaze method on controlling primiparas labor pain
- Gender difference of the effects of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
- The effectivenesss of medical therapy for smoking cessation: The experience of health promotion program at Cheng Hsin General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan