Thursday, April 30, 2009
Allen Jones (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
After Working together for heath (WHO Report, 2006) has been published, the health workforce development started to be recognized as one of the main Public Health concerns. The establishment of the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) is a result of this awareness. Looking back only 10 years, the HRH field looked quite differently. Several changes took place, including the following: The number and type of actors who intervene in HRH has increased considerably; new global funding mechanisms have been established and many private foundations have engaged in the health sector; the way aid is being provided has changed. There is increased pressure to better harmonize interventions (Paris Declaration) and to design aid programs in a more coherent manner, with greater respect for recipients’ views and priorities. Examples are the International Health Partnership plus Initiative (IHP+) and the Harmonisation for Health in Africa (HHA). All of them are asking for increasing coordinating efforts for the strengthening of the health workforce. At the same time the PHC renewal now offers the most challenging opportunity to align the efforts of HRH development to support equitable access to quality health services. As never before, the area of human resources for heath appears as a solid platform for mopre coordinated work, which will be a great Public Health and international health achievement. This session will address those changes as well as the coming ones, forecasting which will be the new challenges in this area and the role of different players.
Learning Objectives: To discuss the importance of the HRH development worldwide.