145.29 Structuration of public basic attention health as a contribution to infant mortality in Aracaju/SE-Brazil

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Ana Carolina A. Lavigne de Lemos Jr., Mestranda, em, C Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Brazil
Taize Cássia Nascimento Macedo Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Aracaju/SE, Brazil
Renata Alves da Silva Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Aracaju/SE, Brazil
Ana Márcia Menenzes de Oliveira Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Aracaju/SE, Brazil
Cleide Virgínia Azevedo de Carvalho Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Aracaju/SE, Brazil
Closely 23,5% of the population of Aracaju is under 12 years old and the youngers than 5 years old require more attention to follow their growth and development. The model of actual attention to health was implanted in 2001 and, at that time, the structure and the process of work presented was inappropriate to the new proposal, prominencing the high coefficient of infant mortality (from 30,4 per 1000 born live birth, in 2000).
Goals: To implant a care line to the child, structure the assistential nets to answer the require of this public, promoting intersectorial discussion of children’s care.
Metodology: the local health system was organized in complement and articulate assistential nets between themselves to guarantee the integrality and equality. Competences to children’s care were implanted in all the nets, specially in the basic attention net. The examples are: amplification of family health teams with social assistant in all the units of health and the insertion of pediatricians; elaboration and adoption of assistential protocols; permanent education to the professionals; vitamin’s A supplementation; “Project Mom Owl” ( centralized prenatal care exams, advicement, visit to the motherhood Center); neonatal sceening; offer of rotavirus vaccine to younger than 5 months old.
Results: The CMI passed 30,4% in 2000 to 16,4 % in 2007, representing a fall of 46,1%. The component which contributed the most to this situation was the premature neonatal (diminishing from 54,1% in the same period). The diseases infecto-parasitary don’t figure between the main causes of death, causing an important change in infant mortality profile.
The implementation of actions in all levels of complexity of children care showed as an appropriate strategy in the search of integral attention to this public, evidencing the reduction in the infant mortality coefficient in all the levels, as well as the number of hospital internation cases.

Learning Objectives: 1-To create a especific line of care inside the network of attention to the children aiming the reduction the infant morbimortality. 2- To recognize the needs of care assisted to the group of vulnerability in the several levels of attention complexity.

Sub-Theme: Revisiting primary health care in the 21st century