Methods: A cross-sectional study of FP and TP, 10- to 12-year-olds, was carried out with questionnaires and oral health data, in addition to BMI-for-age international standard growth charts developed recently by WHO (2007). The associations between body mass index (BMI), number of decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT), Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPI=0, healthy; CPI=1, gingival bleeding; CPI= 2, calculus), and self-esteem were assessed by Chi-square tests, factor analysis, and Spearman correlation test.
Results: FP’s oral health (67%, DMFT=0; 31%, CPI=0; 38%; CPI=1; 31%, CPI= 2) was better than that of TPs (16%, DMFT=0; 1%, CPI=0; 38%; CPI=1, 47%; 52%, CPI= 2), (P<0.05). FP compared to TP were more frequently non-obese (80% vs. 72%, 5th percentile<BMI-for age<85th percentile), (P<0.05) but reported similar levels of high self-esteem (respectively, 44% vs. 40%), (P>0.05). For FP, one factor explaining 31% of the total variance indicated the positive relation between non-obesity, DMFT=0, CPI=0, and high self-esteem. Two factors were retained in the factor analysis for TP, explaining 59% of the total variance. Factor1 identified the clustering between high self-esteem and DMFT=0. Factor2 revealed the interrelation between obesity and CPI=1, and between non-obesity and CPI=2. The positive correlation between Factor1 and Factor2 (rs= 0.501, P= 0.001) indicated that TPs with DMFT>0 and low self-esteem were more likely to be obese and to have CPI=1.
Conclusion: The interrelation between oral health, self-esteem, and obesity found among FPs and TPs emphasize the need for a holistic approach to promote better general well-being and oral health in pre-adolescents.
Learning Objectives: 1.Better understanding of the interrelation between oral health and general well-being in childhood. 2. Assess the need for the cooperation between general health practioners and dentists to improve the well-being of children. 3.Analyze and assess BMI, oral health, and psychology of children in both medical and dental examinations of any pediatric patient. 4.Develop holistic approach to support the general and dental health of any pediatric patient.
Sub-Theme: Lessons learned from community-based public health research