147.05 Preschool lipid profile and pertaining to school overweight taken care of in the health center school Dr. Ananias Pereira Porto of the University of Santo Amaro

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Patrícia Colombo, Colombo, P Santo Amaro University and CENEPES Dr. Liberato J.A. DiDio, Brazil
Marcela Pandolfi Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Eduardo Leão Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Eduardo Silva Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Willy Souza Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Caroline Murakami Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Camila Silva Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Ligia Ribeiro Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Mônica Silva Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Suellen Souza Santo Amaro University, Brazil
Our study’s objective is the evaluation of the lipidic profile of scholars and preschool visitors of the Group of Obesity of Centro de Saúde Escola (CSE) Dr. Ananias Pereira Porto of Santo Amaro’s University, verifying the relationship between the dosages of total cholesterol and the variables: age, gender, LDL, triglycerides, family antecedents and practice of physical exercises. The data were collected during 44 obese children’s clinical evaluation among 4 to 10 years, participants of the Group of Obesity of CSE. A questionnaire was answered through interview with the responsible for the child, including each child’s personal data, family antecedents, report of feeding and practice of physical activities. There were also collected data relative to the cholesterol (total and fractions) and triglycerides of the medical record. Of the 44 patients, 52,3% were female. There was larger percentage of boys with altered cholesterol (71,4%). It was found significance I the relationship between total cholesterol and triglycerides, and between total cholesterol and family antecedents of Cardiovascular Disease. It was also observed out larger prevalence of high cholesterol in children that don’t practice physical activities off the school. It was not found significance in the relationship among altered cholesterol and LDL in the studied sample, as well as in the relationship of the total cholesterol with the age. Due to the significant relationship found in the present study between the total cholesterol and the following factors: gender, high triglycerides, sedentary habits and family report for cardiovascular disease, it’s necessary the implementation of public politics that seek to combat the obesity from childhood.

Learning Objectives: Analyse the lipidic profile of school and preschool that participe of obesity group in CSE-UNISA verifying the relationship between cholesterol and associated variables.

Sub-Theme: The global threat of chronic diseases