75.11 Public health financing in the trine federalism: Minas gerais state, Brazil

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Sebastião Helvecio R. Castro, Professor Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
Sulamis Daim State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
              The present paper builds the historical series from 1989 to 2005, with the amounts of the expense with health by the State of Minas Gerais,as from the General Balance Sheets of the State. Through these data,it is proved that the investment of resources in action and public health services has not been incresed with the enforcement of the EC-29, on the contrary, we verify areduction to the financial support accomplished in 2005 when compared to the amount invested in 1995 (15,62%).

           The historical series building on municipalities' expenses with health- total amount spent by the set of the 853 municipalities of Minas Gerais - within the period 1996-2005,shows in Minas Gerais,in the period analyzed, that the financialsupport of the local governments and,the yearly average expressed in real of 2005 (13,22%), smaller in the quinquennium 2000-2005 than the quadrienium 1996-1999 that antecedes the EV-29 enforcement.

           The pioneer sstudy,since SIOPS makes available the municipaldata until the first semester of 2003,recommends the necessity of checking other states,as in Minas Gerais the EC-29 has proved to be a tool incapable of ensuring greater financial supports to the financing of actions and health public services. Finnally,due to the results of the analysed data,we decided for the need of an urgent proceduring of the complementary law project that regulates the EC-29.

          The externalcontrol of the public expenses and the implementation of the National Account in the Health, are important strategies tomake the private and public expenses with more effective and efficient,since such financial supports are practically equivalent in the Brazilian reality.

Learning Objectives: The goal of this paper is the públic health financing study in the State of Minas Gerais,Brazil, within the period comprised between the promulgation of Minas Gerais' Constitution, on September 21,1989 and the year of 2005.

Sub-Theme: Financing Global Public Health