59.05 Seroprevalence of tetanus antibodies and immune response to a single dose of tetanus toxoid in the elderly

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Behcet Uz (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Isil Maral Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
Mustafa N. Ilhan Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
Ayse Meltem Yalinay Cirak Assos.Prof.Dr., Turkey
Mehmet Ali Bumin Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
The aim of this study was to asses the seroprevalence of tetanus antibodies on a group of elderly aged 60 and over with and to determine the immune response to a single dose of tetanus toxoid.
Elderly aged 60 and over living in two nursing homes in Ankara were included into the study.The total number of people habiting in the nursing homes are 302 at ages over 60, 228 of them(75.5%) participated to the study.Venous blood samples were taken for anti tetanus lgG level and 0.5mL tetanus toxoid vaccine was applied intramuscularly.For determining the vaccine reply, venous blood samples were taken 5 weeks after the immunization; 162 of the 228 elderly were eligible in the second time.
Of the 228 elderly that participated in the research 58.3% were female, the mean age of the group was 76.3±8.6. None of the subjects had enough levels of tetanus antibody titers(≥0.51 IU/ml).The percentage of those having antibody titers less than 0.1IU/ml and who need the to have primer immunization or booster injections is 62.5% in the whole group, 55.8% for men, and 66.9% for women(p>0,05).The percentage of those having antibody titers between 0.11-0.50 IU/ml and who need the to have primer immunization or booster injections is 37.7% in the whole group, 44.2% for men, and 33.1% for women(p>0,05).After immunization, of those having <0.10 IU/ml and 0.11-0.50 IU/ml initial antibody levels, 14.9% and 16.4% were able to reach a antibody level of ≥0.51 IU/ml which is sufficient for protection.
With the scope of these results, we propose that in developing countries like Turkey, all of the adults that are over the age of 60 should be taken into a primer immunization program with TT, and a routine vaccination schedule should be created for TT which will include adults and of course elders.

Learning Objectives: Determination of the tetanus antibodies in older people and evaluation of the new immunity level that will occur after TT immunization, will be a guide for creating a routine immunization program that will be used in old people. With this purpose, the present study was planned on a group of elderly aged 60 and over with the aim of assessing the seroprevalence of tetanus antibodies and to determining the immune response to a single dose of tetanus toxoid.

Sub-Theme: Lessons learned from community-based public health research
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