75.01 Comparing the expenditures of health in the countries which are European union members or candidates: In which part of Europe is Turkey?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Hakan Tüzün Gaziantep Health Care Directorate, Turkey
Introduction: The parameters concerning expenditures of health can function importantly in order to have opinion about health systems of the country.

The 2005 data of WHO has been used as source.

The health expenditure per capita is $ 2212 in EU-15, $ 663 in EU-12, $ 1886 in EU-27, $ 592 in Turkey, $ 569 in Macedonia, $ 813 in Croatia.
The ratio of the total public expenditures to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is 46,5% in EU-15, 40,1%  in EU-12, 45,6% in EU-27,  29,2% in Turkey,  35,0% in Macedonia, 43,4% in Croatia. The ratio of the total health expenditures (THE) to GDP is 9,6% in EU-15, 6,5%  in EU-12, 8,9% in EU-27,  5,7% in Turkey, 7,8% in Macedonia, 7,4% in Croatia.
The ratio of the total public health expenditures to the THE is 76,8% in  EU-15, 70,9%  in EU-12, 75,5% in EU-27, 71,4% in Turkey, 70,4% in Macedonia, 81,3% in Croatia. The ratio of the household out-of-pocket health expenditures to the THE is 14,9% in EU-15, 25,3%  in EU-12, 17,1% in EU-27, 19,9% in Turkey, 29,6% in Macedonia, 17,5% in Croatia.

I can be suggested for Turkey to transfer more public source for health seeing that especially the ratio of public expenditures and health expenditures to GDP is low.

Key Words:
health expenditures, European Union, Turkey.  


Learning Objectives: It is aimed to evaluate the position of Turkey comparing some parameters concerning the health expenditures of the candidate countries (Turkey, Macedonia, Croatia) for European Union (EU), with the ones in the countries which became member of EU before 2004 (EU-15), the countries which became member of EU after 2004 (EU-12), all the countries which are currently members of EU (EU-27).
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