The rapid increase of the immigrant population in Catalonia has posed new challenges for the health system. Their health problems are not very different from those of the native population, but they present particular characteristics that may generate differences in healthcare use. The objective is to analyse health personnel perceived problems and needs in the provision of care for the immigrant population
A descriptive and exploratory qualitative study was carried out by means of semi-structured individual interviews and focus groups to a criterion sample of informants: Health care managers (21) and professionals (44) from primary and secondary care. A narrative content analysis was conducted by three analysts, segmented by informants’ groups and themes. Area of study was made up of five regions in Catalonia with a high proportion of immigrant population.
The need for support in providing healthcare to the immigrants strongly emerged in the informants’ discourses and was closely related to problems faced in the care process. To address communication barriers they would require translated materials, translation services and cultural mediators. To understand immigrants’ healthcare demands and to prevent cultural barriers, specific training on cultural abilities, ethnic health standards and overseas health systems is considered a priority. Informants also highlighted the need for a strong leadership by the Health Department to improve implementation of existing policies and resources as well as to standardise and coordinate local initiatives. Professionals and managers considered most important to adequate healthcare system resources to the new reality –population size and specific needs.
Results indicate that perceived problems are generally addressed in the Immigration and Health Plan, that need to be effectively implemented under the Health Department leadership. In addition, it highlights structural and organizational deficiencies that should be addressed by general policies.
Funding: Immigration and Health Plan, Catalonia Health Department
Learning Objectives: To explain the health personnel problems and needs for providing healthcare to immigrant population in order to improve the processes of care
Sub-Theme: Health problems of migrants, refugees and minorities
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe