Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
The Human Development index, a three factor expression used by UNO (UNIDO) as an indicator of welfare for a given country, certainly includes a health component (life expentancy), as well as an economic and an educational factor. The aim of this work however, is to propose a specific health index, determined on a common sense base. This Elementary Public Health Index (EPHI) uses two parameters: life expentancy and infant mortality. The EPHI showed consistency in its graphical relationship to various representative social-economic factors, and it is hoped that it will reasonable represent the true quality of Public Health for any country, region or continent.
Learning Objectives: Define and propose an Elementary Public Health Index (EPHI). Discuss about accuracy and pertinence of the proposed EPHI. Analyze and compare all countries of the world using the EPHI. Evaluate the EPHI as an indirect tool to identify how welfare is distributed over one country's population. Comparison between the EPHI and other indexes and welfare parameters.
Sub-Theme: Public Health and Research: Evidence Based Policy on Health