134.06 Cigarettes and their adverse effects: Views of Pakistani population

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Sara I. Gilani Rawalpindi Medical College, Pakistan

Smoking is a social as well as a health problem. Its adverse effects on health are a proven reality and anti smoking campaigns are going on worldwideObjective:

To find views on adverse affects of smoking and ideas about anti smoking compaign.Methodology:

This survey was conducted by Gallup Pakistan, on a sample of over 1100 respondents in the urban and rural areas of all four provinces of Pakistan. This sample was statistically selected across all socioeconomic groups. The authors helped in question formulation and data analysis.Results:

Two third (75%) people agree to the statement that cigarettes cause cancer and heart disease, 13% say that it is partially correct and 11% negate it altogether. Generally (61%) people believe that smokers as well as the manufacturing companies are both equally responsible for bad effects of smoking on health. When we asked people if they knew of the warnings that follow the cigarette advertisements, 95% knew the statement ‘smoking is injurious to health: Ministry of Health.’ Just 27% people knew the statement ‘under age sale of cigarettes is prohibited’. Only 21% knew that there is a statement ‘smoking causes cancer and heart diseases’ at the end of every cigarettes ad.

Majority (68%) of Pakistanis think that there should be ban on sale of cigarettes, 79% think that there should be ban on cigarette ads on TV/radio and 80% support heavy taxes on cigarettes. Majority of the population supports ban on smoking in public places. 87% say that it should be banned in offices, 80% support ban at bus stops, 87% support ban in public transport and 57% support ban in parks and 65% say that it should be strictly prohibited in hotels and restaurants.Conclusion:
People generally support ban on smoking. More awareness is needed about its adverse effects.

Learning Objectives: To know the awareness about the adverse effects of smoking and public support of ban on smoking , in view of public.

Sub-Theme: Controlling the tobacco epidemic