Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Introduction: Brazil is the 15th among the 22 TB highest burden countries of the world; one in five tuberculosis (TB) cases in the whole country occurs in SPS. The greater São Paulo City, the largest South American Metropolitan Area contributes with a good number of cases. Keeping track of case distribution by disease form, age group, treatment story, HIV status, as well as trend analyzing is essential for establishing and evaluating Tuberculosis Control Programme performance.
1998-2007 period.
1998 a 2007) were analyzed. The linear regression was selected, since it provides best adjustment for morbidity indicators.
Results: An yearly 2% linear decline trend of IR of cases notified (all forms R2=0,96; pulmonary R2=0,98; smear-positive R2=0,95) was observed. The most frequent form is pulmonary with an IR of 29,9/100,000 inhabs in 2007; TB IR in male is twice as in female. Children below 15 years present the lowest rates (IR= 4,6 in 2007), similar for both genders and with a slightly declining trend in the last years. The male age group of 20-49 years is the most affected, however, the highest rates were seen among patients older than 50 years (81,9 in 2007). As to HIV status, TB patients testing increased and the percentage of positive cases having dropped from 16% in 1998 to 13,2% in 2007. A decline trend was also observed in the co-infected (Tb/HIV), except for the extra-pulmonary forms (all forms R2=0,86; pulmonary R2=0,90; smear-positive R2=0,91).
Objective: To analyze the tuberculosis trend in the SPS during the
Methodology: Incidence rates (IR) and linear regression curves of tuberculosis cases notified in the tuberculosis data system of SPS (
Results: An yearly 2% linear decline trend of IR of cases notified (all forms R2=0,96; pulmonary R2=0,98; smear-positive R2=0,95) was observed. The most frequent form is pulmonary with an IR of 29,9/100,000 inhabs in 2007; TB IR in male is twice as in female. Children below 15 years present the lowest rates (IR= 4,6 in 2007), similar for both genders and with a slightly declining trend in the last years. The male age group of 20-49 years is the most affected, however, the highest rates were seen among patients older than 50 years (81,9 in 2007). As to HIV status, TB patients testing increased and the percentage of positive cases having dropped from 16% in 1998 to 13,2% in 2007. A decline trend was also observed in the co-infected (Tb/HIV), except for the extra-pulmonary forms (all forms R2=0,86; pulmonary R2=0,90; smear-positive R2=0,91).
Conclusions: There were a significant decline among Tb cases in SPS in the studied period, showing that the actions of TB control in the last 10 years have had a positive effect.
Learning Objectives: has a proposal to analyze trend of an historical serie in S. Paulo State where tb cases are declining in a very slow velocity
Sub-Theme: Progress on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis