Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
The Brazilian policy of Mental Health proposes the construction of an integral attention based network comprised of various mechanisms geared toward addressing the psychological needs of persons with mental illnesses. Of the 78 cities in the state of Espirito Santo/Brazil, only 43 of them offer some form of mental health services. Research indicates that the policy of mental health as it pertains to Municipals in Espirito Santo was introduced as an item relating to healthcare management. The research analyzed the actions that were developed as well as the resources that were allotted to their development in 24 cities in Espírito Santo. Of those 24 municipals, 17 provide mental health services. Of those 17, only 10 had developed specific teams in order ensure the fulfillment and quality of services offered. Of those 10, only 5 had implemented some sort of plan geared toward maintaining the services offered and developed. Seven of the 24 municipals analyzed do not provide mental health services. In the reports pertaining to managements only 10 municipals describe actions pertaining to Mental Health that have been implemented in additions to noting actions and techniques that they, as of yet, have been unable to incorporate. Eight municipals described the number of psychiatric internments. The remaining municipals did not offer any evidence that suggested or affirmed any measures had been taken or any investment had been made in the area of Mental Health. Of the Municipals that offer Mental Health Services, 58.8% had developed some sort strategy geared toward addressing Mental Health related issues. However, only 29.41% were able to furnish the resources to guarantee the implementation of such strategies. Thus, although the topic of Mental Health appears in policy related agendas and discourses; such attention does not necessarily ensure that Mental Heath related issues are translated into policy.
Learning Objectives: Step 1. The participants in the session will discuss about a critica analyses about brazilian mental health policy. 2. They will identify how Mental Heath policy did not change as well the law proposed.
Sub-Theme: Public Health and Research: Evidence Based Policy on Health