34.33 Training of public health workforce at the Arkhangelsk International School of Public Health (ISPHA): Meeting Russia's needs and local health challenges

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Andrej M. Grjibovski Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
Alexander V. Kudryavtsev Northern State Medical University, Russia
Alexander M. Vyazmin Northern State Medical University
Pavel I. Sidorov Northern State Medical University
Russia has the lowest life expectancy the highest prevalence of several health problems in the WHO European region. If combined with the fact that Russia is among the countries with the highest number of hospital beds per 1000 population, it becomes obvious that urgent public health measures have to be taken to improve the situation. Arkhangelsk region (Northwest Russia) covers a territory larger than France and is among the regions most seriously hit by the crisis of the 1990s with considerable deterioration in health of the population.
ISPHA was founded at the Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk in 2006 in collaboration with several Nordic universities, and is supported by the Barents Health Programme.

ISPHA’s mission is to build up Public Health competences at Northwest Russia by providing a 120 ECTS MPH programme. Apart from traditional Russian Public Health education ISPHA puts much emphasis on developing critical thinking and evidence-based practice through obligatory courses in epidemiology, biostatistics, research methods, health promotion, scientific writing, etc. ISPHA also offers a range of elective courses in environmental health, addictive behaviour, injury prevention, international health, etc.
Most teaching at ISPHA is given by Nordic lecturers. The main language of command is English. Training-the-trainers programme is run in order to build up own faculty. Forty five students from several regions of Northwest Russia study at the school.

ISPHA is so far the only Russian member of ASPHER. Results of research performed at ISPHA have been presented at EUPHA and IEA congresses. The school is participating in regional programme for mortality reduction and health promotion. Currently ISPHA works on official recognition of the MPH degree in Russia.

Challenges and achievements on the way towards implementation of public health education in Russia will also be presented.

Learning Objectives: 1. To describe the current health situation in Russia 2. To describe the differences between the traditional and the new public health education in Russia offered by a few international schoold of public health 3. To describe the challenges in relation to the official recognition of MPH degree in Russia

Sub-Theme: Reforming public health education