146.02 Stakeholder roles and partnerships in programmes

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Kabatabazi Patricia, M/s Community-Based Impact Assessment Network for Eastern Africa (CIANEA), Uganda
ABSTRACT:Oral presentation

 TOPIC: Global Public Health Workforce



 BY:- Kabatabazi Patricia, Community based Impact Assessment Network for Eastern Africa .
P.O.BOX 8277, Kampala-Uganda.
Email; Kabatabazi1@yahoo.co.uk/cianeauganda@yahoo.co.uk


 ABSTRACT:- Stakeholders – those with an interest in the outcome and the status of any issue; and partners – those who make voluntary commitment to  particular action.

 Agenda 21 -UN major principle for sustainable development, demands inclusion of multi-stakeholders in development, and communities to be represented in decisions that affect them. Reflected in follow up international programmes – MDG
But rivalry, competition characterizes the stakeholder relationships, and partnership is a term often used to cover self interested activism.

 The paper will highlight on collaboration or compete, mandate, accountability, responsibility and partnerships and how change can be created in health programmes.

 “Climate change and partnership: Massive impact, increases securitization of water. Governments have to partner beyond the bounders, move beyond agreements to investment. Move beyond water allocations to economic and social benefits across bonders”. Simon Thuo, First African Water week, March- 2008.

 Essence of the above: For whom do the activists speak, how do they get their consent, to whom are they accountable.
Role of women – not special but mainstream. Years of effort with too little to show. Powered not by health but social and political empowerment.

 Need: stakeholders should be identified, analyzed then grouped to health sectors then implementation can take place and should be involved initially to safe guard  transparency  in health sectors.

 Goal: Society where health resources are used sustainably for the benefit of all.
 Negative and positive trends in Health programmes /management are goals to raise awareness into,    inorder to get solutions to meet  good health.

            ”How to keep our water of life and death through good hygiene management?”



Learning Objectives: To Network to each other.

Sub-Theme: Successful partnerships between academia and practice