90.42 Research about nutrition of poor people above 18 years old from Alto do Zeca community, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Adriano Antonio da Silva Pedrosa-Moreira, Adriano, A., S., Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública - ENSP/FIOCRUZ, Brazil
Klaysa Moreira Ramos-Pedrosa Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública - ENSP/FIOCRUZ, Brazil
Antonio Piranema de Mascarenhas Pedrosa Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Brazil
The evaluation about the kind of food ingested by people is important because it can interfere on the arising of chronic non-transmissible diseases. We aimed to know the nutritional profiles of poor people above 18 years old from Alto do Zeca community, Maceió-Alagoas (Brazil). Questionaries were applied by students of Nutrition from the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL-Brazil); 55 people were interviewed and accordingly with the data presenting the most ingested food in the breakfast, lunch and dinner, we observed that 27.28% add salt to the food after it is ready for eating. Most of people (72.72%) has as habit to eat refined sugar, and 95.54% eat meat (beef, chicken or fish), being important to highlight that the major prevalence is regarded to consumption of beef. This high consumption of sugar, salt and beef by this population can favous the arising of chronic diseases, since those people have this kind of diseases in their familiar history and, as an aggravating factor, we have to consider the stressing situation regarding to their social condition. We conclude that the profile of nutrition of this community is typical from poor people, consuming food that can collaborate to the development of chronic non-transmissible diseases.

Learning Objectives: Analyze the nutritional profiles of a poor community from Brazil.

Sub-Theme: Social determinants of health and disease