Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
The Project of Academical Extension Santa Lúcia\Tabuleiro Novo (PESLUTAN) significantly contributed to approximate Academy and society, for its work on give rise to critical and competent professionals with humanistic perception. For 10 years it promoted interchange between the Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL-Brazil) and its neighbour communities, spreading teaching and sharing information in a system of applied teaching-learning, involving people from the communities, academical professors and students of Medicine, Nursery, Odontology, Nutrition, Pharmacy, Social Service, Psychology and Physical Education. The aim of this project was to develop actions for communitary health, with multidisciplinary and multiprofessional focus, in a practical context. Specifically, we wanted to do epidemiological check-ups, to promote educational and health actions, to teach how to prevent the most prevalent diseases, to instruct for basic health cares, to promote interactive social and recreative meetings, and to present data from local researches. PESLUTAN developed multiple actions in more than 10 communities located in the UFAL’s neighbourhood. Families were cadastered and then we planned ways to interfere accordingly to the problems and necessity of each population. We did expositive-dealed meetings, talks about health education, home care, workshops, preventive attendance and orientation, group works, local researches, campaigns, social and recreative activities of interaction and human relationship. During the 1996-2005 period we did a total number of 12.919 procedures, involving the participation of 624 students from various academical courses and 15 communitary associations. PESLUTAN, which concerns on an extracurricular purpose, worked focusing a practical procedure of teaching-learning based on the socialization of knowledge and the improvement of the citizens spirit, and it could be seen as a line of academical extension inside the area of health, important for arising new good professionals in this field.
Learning Objectives: Construct actions for communitary health. Integrate multidisciplinary and multiprofessional in a practical context.
Sub-Theme: Successful partnerships between academia and practice
See more of: Poster: Successful Partnerships Between Academia and Practice
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe