32.14 Health for All Italia: An informative system as basic instrument for monitoring and evaluating public health policies

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Alessandra Burgio Italian Statistical Office (ISTAT), Italy
Marzia Loghi Italian Statistical Office (ISTAT), Italy
Alessia D'Errico Italian Statistical Office (ISTAT), Italy
In Italy, like in many other OECD countries, the reform of the Health Systems, related to the pressing need of containing costs and of maximizing population health, arose new challenges to statistical information systems.
Policy makers, health administrators, researchers are demanding more and accessible indicators for monitoring population health status and the performance and effectiveness of health policies.
The Health for All Italia statistical information system represents an answer to these needs. It includes more than 4,000 indicators on a territorial level derived from administrative and statistical data sources. A unique data base that improves data accessibility and interpretability.
Indicators are organized into ten topic groups (demographic and socio-economic context; causes of death; life styles; disease prevention; chronic and infectious diseases; disability; health status and life expectancy; health facilities; hospital discharges by diagnosis; health care resources). They are calculated by provinces (if possible), regions, big areas and Italy. In order to compare indicators over time and space, standardised rates are calculated, using the same population reference.
The database-related software was developed by the World Health Organization. It allows the construction of tables, graphs and territorial maps and it is completely free of charge and without copyrights.
Since 2002 many examples of use of HFA Italia as a basis for official reports followed one another in central and local institutions, testifying that the availability of wide and user-friendly informative systems help the use of statistics for decisions, planning and evaluation.

Aim of this paper is to show the informative potentiality of the Health for All Italia system and the main experiences of its use by institutions in the public health sector.

To increase the accessibility of the system an on line version has been developed. An English version is the next challenge to enlarge the potential users of the system.

Learning Objectives: 1.Develop an informative system after assessing the needs of the decision makers in public health. 2.Create a report identifying the priorities in health care 3.Evaluate the main reports made of Italian institutions in the public health sector

Sub-Theme: Communication skills and devices in public health training