Since is rapidly progressing towards joining the European Union and has recently become a Candidate Country it needs to harmonise its education and health system requirements with those of the European Union. Drug abuse, addictions and drug related crime is a major and still rising problem. Croatia is situated on the famous "Balkans Route" of heroin supply for west Europe and drug abuse and crime are the most visible and devastating problems for the whole society.
Therefore, this project is designed to build and strengthen institutional capacity to combat this problem. The primary goal is to determine and strengthen capacity for providing new interdisciplinary courses and studies for health and education professionals, public administration and NGO workers, working on drug prevention and health promotion. So the project aims at creating a new interdisciplinary postgraduate course in. Since these are relatively new phenomena, staff working with children and youngsters conducting these programs often lacks the basic knowledge and skills to cope with these themes and problems. The main emphasis lies on transfer of knowledge, development of skills and provision of important equipment within a group of international partners –, and. This project would aid in establishing the of with respect to health promotion and drug prevention education and training in this part of the country. It would thus be able to spread its influence and activities throughout the country not limiting its training to the target groups.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. It is implemented in the framework of Tempus.
Learning Objectives: 1. Prioritize on transfer of knowledge, development of skills and provision of important equipment within a group of international partners. 2. Prioritize on determine and strengthen capacity for providing new interdisciplinary courses and studies for health and education professionals, public administration and NGO workers, working on drug prevention and health promotion. 3. Develop a new postgraduate course on health promotion and drug prevention.
Sub-Theme: The role of continuing education in health care development