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Poster: Global Governance
Wednesday, April 29, 2009: 12:30-14:00
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
‘Globalizing public health': A Canadian ‘KT tool' incorporating five proposals for a global governance for public health
Véronique Lapaige
Laval University, Canada
The construction of public politics: The case of the medical union of the Rio Grande do sul – Brazil
Maria R. de Assis Brasil
Sindicato Médico do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Attitudes and behaviors of religious officials with regard to organ transplant and donation in Kayseri, Turkey
Emel Güden
Bünyan State Hospital, Turkey
Fevziye Cetinkaya
Erciyes University, Turkey
Globalization and health: Inter-regulatory competition among health care regulators
Manouchehr Mokhtari
University of Maryland - College Park, USA, USA
Doha Abdelhamid
American University, Egypt
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Public Health Research & Policy Development
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