Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Nusret Fisek (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Body image perception has been shown to be highly influenced by cultural factors. This study measured the perceptions of ideal body size and shape among Kuwaiti female university students in relation to current body figure. A cross-sectional study was conducted in 165 female students, randomly selected from College for Women, Kuwait University. The subjects’ heights and weights were measured. Body mass Index (BMI) was used to determine the weight status. Perceived and desired body size was assessed using the nine female body figure silhouettes, ranging from very thin to grossly obese, ranked 1 to 9. For assessing the desired and perceived body shape, they were shown three figures of women, focused on proportions or curves. Majority of the students perceived themselves to be significantly larger and desired a significantly thinner body for themselves. Participants indicated that they preferred silhouettes 5 to 7; none preferred the larger sizes (silhouette 8 and 9). Body size silhouettes 4 to 6 were most often indicated to look the healthiest. They preferred a pear shaped body (a figure without abdominal adiposity) – a small waistline, round hips, and breast in proportion to body size. Participants identified many sources as influencing their body figure preferences, among them two most influential sources were friends/peers and media. The study showed that a high percentage of young-adult university students in Kuwait are dissatisfied with their body figure/weight and considered themselves overweight or obese, even though they were actually underweight or had normal weight based on the commonly accepted weight categories. These findings could have unhealthful implications for weight control behavior. The study was funded by Kuwait University research grant.
Learning Objectives: To know the perceptions of body image and prevalence of body dissatisfaction among Kuwait University female students.