34.31 Reform and Innovation in Public Health Education: a Chilean Experience

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Leonel Valdivia University of Chile, Chile
Giorgio Solimano University of Chile, Chile
The School of Public Health of the University of Chile has conducted and indepth review of its teaching curricula for the graduate and undergraduate Public Health Ëducation program. Importantly, current and former students and health authorites and other stakeholders were consulted as to the relevance and effectiveness of the educational work of the School. In addition, the learning facilitation methods were thoroghly evaluated. The findings of this assessment were analysed and acted upon as part of a major institution-wide Strategic Development Plan (PED). Findings included, among others, weaks links between School educational program and the needs of the public health systems, dicconnect between academic subject matter and competencies required in the PH professions, excessive reliance of traditional, teacher-based leaning process, minimal incorporation of modern learning technologies. This paper will also present the main components of the Public Health Education Learning Innovation Strategy developed as the result of the assessment and an initial evaluation of its sucess and lessons learned. Participants will be invited on the relevance of this Chilean experience to PH education reform in other developing countries.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the session, participants will: 1. Understand factors that led to public health education reform in Chile 2. Apply the lessons learned in Chile to the publc health reform and innovation in other developing countries

Sub-Theme: Reforming public health education