54.03 Doing right things vs doing things right - Developing a national plan for eliminating needless blindness in Rwanda

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
James Flemming (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Raja Bollineni Right to Sight, India
Abstract for the 12th World Congress On Public Health

    Public Health Research & Policy Development

     Strengthening Global Public Health Systems

Abstract Title:  Doing Right Things vs. Doing Things Right - Developing a National Plan for Eliminating Needless Blindness in Rwanda

Author:  Raja Bollineni

Purpose:  Development of relevant, evidence based, practical and need specific Actionable National Plan for Eliminating Needless Blindness in Rwanda

Method:  An expert agency was identified who has experience in facilitating national plan development and     design and all the stakeholders were invited for a three day strategic planning workshop.                                           

    Pre designed formats to guide the sessions and daily plans

    Methodical research & background work of the Previous National plans and eye care programs in the country                                                            

    Participatory Discussions after sessions

    Group works

    Analysis by the consultants based on their experience for program design and Implementation

Results: The outcome of the three day workshop was a participatory and realistic national plan which was acknowledged by all stakeholders and had a higher level of buy in from the government.

Conclusion: A participatory process of developing national plans with a thorough background work helps in development and design of a practical and realistic national plan which helps in achieving the goals. Doing Right Things is of utmost importance as that guides the implementation.

Submitted by:

Raja Bollineni - Programme officer- RIGHT TO SIGHT

Email: raja.bollineni@gmail.com

Learning Objectives: 1.The process of developing a National Plan 2.Articulate various strategies developed to the health policy of a Nation 3.Analyze,evaluate and recognize the importance of participatory approach towards developing public health systems

Sub-Theme: Strengthening Global Public Health Systems