Developing Family Empowerment Post for Enhancing Human Development Index
Kuntoro, MD, MPH, DrPH1
Sunarjo, MD, MSc, PhD2
1Airlangga University School of Public Health,
Surabaya 60115, Indonesia
2Indonesian Institute for Human Development,
Surabaya 60286, Indonesia
(email : )
Family empowerment post (FEP) is an integrated community-based organization initiated and developed by people in the community. Its core activities include health, education and economic aspects. Those are components of human development index (HDI). This community organization is established to help the government to enhance HDI.
A case study among twelve FEP in five districts and one city, East Java Province managed by six universities under coordination of Indonesian Institute for Human Development (IIHD) was done.
The results show that nine of twelve FEPs are formed through four stages such as socialization, survey, small scale workshop, and team formator selection. One year later the results show that in health aspect, the people have better understanding about drug abuse, youth reproduction health, and good nutrition, In education aspect, many children under five years old involve in early child education to improve their growth and development while their mothers involve in life skill training about home industries that will support family income. In economic aspects, the members can loan money with very cheaper interest for operating their small scale businesses. It is recommended to enhance the activities of FEPS through guidance and empowerment by undergraduate students..
Keyword : family empowerment post human development index
Learning Objectives: 1. Health, Education , and economice indicators 2. KAP of Health, School participation, family income 3. developing communtiy participation and commitment
Sub-Theme: Building a civil society to support healthy communities
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe