457 The Effect of Volunteer Health Workers' Educational Program Base on BASNEF Model on Preventive Behaviors of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Their Under Covered Families

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Abay Poster Exhibition and Hall (Millennium Hall)
Seyyed M. Mehdi Hazavehei Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
H. Heshmate Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Background: Although numerous studies related to treatment and prevention of Leishmaniasis have been done, but few studies have conducted in community health education program based on models and Theories. The purpose of This study was to determine the effect of Volunteer Health Workers'(VHWS) educational program based on BASNEF (Belief, Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Enabling Factors) model in order to improve the preventive behavior of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL) among their under covered families.

Methods: Sixty VHWS of two health centers and their supported stations completed the valid and reliable questionnaires as well as the 120 families that were under coverage of the VHWS before and three months prior of the intervention. The VHWS and families randomly divided in two groups (experimental and control groups). The VHWS of experimental group (N=30) participated in 5 educational sessions for improving their knowledge, belief, and attitude. Also, three educational sessions developed and conducted for key persons who could influence the VHWS' activities (subjective norm). The enabling factors provided for VHWS in order to solving any problems during educating the families.

Results: Mean Score related to knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, enabling factors and practice increased significantly after educational intervention program among experimental group. Also all subjective norms have been significant change after educational intervention program in experimental group. Furthermore, mean score of family head s knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, enabling factors and practice increase significantly resulting VHWS activities.

Conclusion: Educational program base on BASNEF model led to educational skills changes of VHWS' educational abilities that this abilities ultimately causes improve Cutaneous Leishmaniasis preventive behaviors among families.

Learning Objectives: How developing the effect of Volunteer Health Workers' educational program based on BASNEF model in order to improve the preventive behavior of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis