54 HIV Positive Status Disclosure to Sexual Partner Among Women Attending Hawassa University Referral Hospital, South Ethiopia

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Abay Poster Exhibition and Hall (Millennium Hall)
Taye Gari Hawassa University, Ethiopia
Background: Disclosure of HIV positive status has key role in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS. Thus, disclosure of HIV positive status is a theme that demands investigation.


Methods: Cross sectional survey was conducted to determine the magnitude and outcome of HIV positive status disclosure to sexual partner. Using a structured and pre-tested questionnaire, data were collected through interview until the required sample (384) was obtained. Data was analyzed using SPSS 12.1 for windows.


Results: Overall 85.7% of the women had disclosed their HIV positive status to sexual partner. Barriers to non-disclosure were; fear of abandonment, break-up in relationship and stigma. 59% of the women faced negative partner reaction after disclosure. Women who were in a cohabiting relationship, who did not know HIV status of their sexual partners were less likely to disclose their HIV positive status than counterparts. Being on medical follow up for more than one year was predictor of HIV positive status disclosure.


Conclusion: HIV positive status disclosure was slightly lower than the report from Jimma and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Negative partner reaction following disclosure was higher. Effectively addressing issues of disclosure was recommended to encourage disclosure and cope with negative reactions after disclosure. 


Reference: Ethiop J Health Dev. 2010;24(1)

Learning Objectives: To assess magnitude & outcome of HIV status disclosure to sexual partner among HIV positive women, HUR Hospital,Southern Ethiopia