163 Good Governance for Health

Thursday, April 30, 2009: 16:00-17:30
Andrija Stampar (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Piotr Mierzewski, Council of Europe, Directorate General III- Social Cohesion, France and Jose-Manuel Freire, SPH Carlos III, Spain
Morality, money, "Menschenrecht" and medicine: The Council of Europe approach to health governance
Piotr Mierzewski, Council of Europe, Directorate General III- Social Cohesion, France
Framework for good governance in health systems
Jose-Manuel Freire, National School of Public Health, Carlos III National Institute of Health, Spain
Health system governance in time of crisis
Peter Makara, National Institute for Health Development, Hungary
Monitoring good governance in health care systems
Eric Koornneef, Health Information and Quality Authority Accreditation Office, Ireland
Public health ethics and good governance in health
Ulrich Laaser, University of Bielefeld, Section of International Public Health, Germany
See more of: Panel Sessions