171 Issues in School and Occupational Health

Thursday, April 30, 2009: 16:00-17:30
Nusret Fisek (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Apryl Brown, Detroit Medical Reserve Corps, USA and Jirair Ratevosian, Physicians for Human Rights, USA
Musculoskeletal pain, work environment and retirement from labour market among middle-aged Danes 2000-2006
Else Nygaard, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Karsten Thielen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Drude Molbo, University of Copenhagen, Denmark; Finn Diderichsen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The bullying tendency among the 6th, 7th and 8th grade students in primary schools
Kamer Gür, Health Sciences Faculty of Marmara University, Turkey; Nefise Bahcecik, Health Sciences Faculty of Marmara University, Turkey; Ayse Yildiz, Health Sciences Faculty of Marmara University, Turkey
Neck, upper back and low back pain prevalences with the Iinfluencing factors among the population living in the central Malatya
Leyla Karaoglu, Associte proffessor, Inönü University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey; Filiz Çiledag, Inonu University, Turkey