The Network PH-SEE was coordinated by the Andrija Stampar School of Public Health in, and by the Section of International Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences,,. Funding comes from the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and covers exchange of lecturers in Public Health between and SEE as well as within SEE, summer schools and conferences, and editorial work.
The main results of the network were the Internet based teaching modules developed, tested and used mainly by authors from the region in the areas: Methods and tools in the health sciences, determinants of health, disease prevention and health promotion, health care and health services, health systems management, public health strategy and others. Five handbooks of about 600-800 pages each were published until now. One more is prepared to be published.
The PH-SEE Network members published also more than 20 papers, there have been organized regular summer and winter schools for young teaching staff, yearly co-ordinating meetings were organized by almost all member institutions, there were exchange of teachers and students, and the Network supported foundation of the new schools of public health.
Learning Objectives: Identify needs for cooperation between universities in the countries of South Eastern European region (SEE). Assess the results of cooperation between countries and universities in SEE. Analyse constrains and opportunities for cooperation between universities in SEE using SWOT analysis.
See more of: Panel Sessions