87.69 Trade liberalization and public health in developing countries: Constructing a research agenda

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Leonel Valdivia University of Chile, Chile
International literature is increasingly focusing attention on the negative impact of global trade expansion on PH. This paper will contribute to the debate by presenting the concrete experience of Chile during the five-year period since the enactment of the US/Chile FTA in 2003. The FTA produced a 137% increase in exports and 117% in imports to and from the US. Trade income from the US was estimated at over US$ 14.800 million in 2006. But FTA also brought: deregulation of OSH protection, deepening inequity of income distribution, environmental degration associated with primary goods production, and limited access to medicines and other technology based products (IPR restrictions). This paper documents the detrimental impact of these factors on the health of Chilean working people and their families. Evidence based T&H advocacy is timely in LA as Chile is presented a model to future FTAs.

Learning Objectives: 1.Examine the interplay between international free trade expansion and public health as experienced in Chile in the past decade. 2. Identify needs for policy analysis research on the impact of trade liberalization and globalization.

Sub-Theme: Public Health and Research: Evidence Based Policy on Health