Degrees: MBA (Hospital and Health Systems Management)
Affiliation: Right To Sight (
Mailing Address: Flat no.:1, 2nd Floor No.876, Doshi Regency
, Chennai – 600 084,
Email address:
Phone number: +91 9840847095
Professional Experience: Healthcare (3 Years)
“The role of Private sector: CSR”
Purpose: To pilot and see the acceptance and feasibility of involving private sector providers in healthcare in developing eye care institutions in Africa through private-private partnership model.
Method: A business house that is into pharmaceutical business in D R Congo was encouraged to start an eye hospital in based on the huge need and potential to serve in eye care.
The model of setting up of the eye hospital was based on a tri-partner support. An International Agency facilitating the Process (Right to Sight), Private Business house with CSR motive setting up the eye hospital (Shalina Eye Clinic) and an expert agency to support the capacity building and technology (Aravind Eye Care System)
In this model it was envisaged that each partner will bring in their core competencies to develop this model. The human resources were identified from and were trained in Aravind Eye Care System in.
Results: The eye clinic is up and running. In 10 months time the patient load in OPD has gone up to 155 per day and the surgical load is around 250 per month. More than 2500 patients have their vision restored.
Conclusion: Government alone cannot fulfil the need and demand of healthcare in. It has to be complemented and supplemented by private sector. This experiment shows a clear indication of private sector role in healthcare in with CSR initiatives.
Learning Objectives: 1. To develop the skills, enhance perspectives on successful private partnership models in healthcare which will benefit the population in an African setting. 2. To assimilate this education experience to network and implement the best practices and methods to serve the disadvantaged communities who cannot afford basic healthcare, especially eye care. 3. To articualte and advocate with Governments to prioritise increased health care expenditure in Government budgets in Africa as a result of this learning and experience. 4. To actively encourage and involve the private sector through public-private and private-private partnership models in eye care delivery in Africa. 5. To discuss the possibility of active involvement of NGO's in healthcare to integrate the healthcare provision at the ground level.
Sub-Theme: The role of the private sector: Corporate Social Responsibility
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe