137.18 Gym's city- Proposal physical active in Pernambuco/ Brasil

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Márcio Menezes Government of Pernambuco - Brasil, Brazil
The act to exercise itself can be incorporated to the daily one of the people, the popular culture, the medical treatments, the familiar planning and the infantile education. To create habits of healthful life includes a change of concept and attitude front to the problems and the difficulties gifts in the daily one of the majority of the people. It demands, therefore, of the public power the guarantee of quality services, understood as right social. The requalification of public spaces making possible the practical one of physical activities and leisure, as well as the access the information on health and citizenship, contributes for the personal and social cares, that are related to the quality of life of the citizen.  It is important to stand out that the Collective Health is understood as a field to know and of practical that takes as object the social necessities of health, with intention to construct to interpretation and explain possibilities of the relative phenomena to the process health-illness, aiming at to extend, meanings and forms of intervention. To integrate distinct areas of knowledge means to become to represent in the main instances and forums of quarrel and research in health, in its social, collective and public dimension, that today materialize in plans and politics directed for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population.  To extend the agreement on health and its interventions is the main objective of the program, conceived from the appropriation premise, for the citizens, of the public spaces, as catalytic of integrated actions that aim at to the formation citizen in its ample aspects, that, as interplay space, contributes with the social inclusion, reduction of the violence, incentive the practical one of the leisure and the physical exercise of guided and planned form.

Learning Objectives: 'City's Gym - Proposal Physical Active in Pernambuco/ Brasil' COSTA, Humberto; MENEZES, Márcio The act to exercise itself can be incorporated to the daily one of the people, the popular culture, the medical treatments, the familiar planning and the infantile education. To create habits of healthful life includes a change of concept and attitude front to the problems and the difficulties gifts in the daily one of the majority of the people. In Brazil 15.8% of the Brazilian population (the PNUD, 1998), they do not have basic access to the minimum conditions of health, education and services. The country that worse has index of distribution of income of the planet. It demands, therefore, of the public power the guarantee of quality services, understood as right social. The requalification of public spaces making possible the practical one of physical activities and leisure, as well as the access the information on health and citizenship, contributes for the personal and social cares, that are related to the quality of life of the citizen. It is important to stand out that the Collective Health is understood as a field to know and of practical that takes as object the social necessities of health, with intention to construct to interpretation and explain possibilities of the relative phenomena to the process health-illness, aiming at to extend, meanings and forms of intervention. To integrate distinct areas of knowledge means to become to represent in the main instances and forums of quarrel and research in health, in its social, collective and public dimension, that today materialize in plans and politics directed for the improvement of the conditions of life of the population. To extend the agreement on health and its interventions is the main objective of the program, conceived from the appropriation premise, for the citizens, of the public spaces, as catalytic of integrated actions that aim at to the formation citizen in its ample aspects, that, as interplay space, contributes with the social inclusion, reduction of the violence, incentive the practical one of the leisure and the physical exercise of guided and planned form.

Sub-Theme: Health Promotion as a strategy for intersectoral action