80.08 Body posture, temporo mandible diysfunction and quality of life

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Maria da Luz Rosário Sousa Piracicaba Dental School - University of Campinas, Brazil
Approximately 5% of Brazilians need to receive intervention on their TMA (Temporo Mandible Articulation). This problem presents multifactor etiology so a multiprofessional approach is necessary. We verified the association between TMD and posture body alterations, and the impact of TMD in quality of life. Two groups were formed: GE (Experimental group) with patients who looked for the Temporo Mandibular Articulation Centre in a Public University having TMD and  GC (control group) formed by patients without TMD, who looked for Dentistry services. For posture analysis, one physiotherapist took measures in a proper scale: front and posterior views, a left and right sides. For the quality of life it was used a Cantril Scale measuring life satisfaction and a Likert Scale for oral health, and OHIP14. A convenience sample was formed from May to October 2007. Data were analysed comparing groups, dividing in yes or no (posture alteration) and positive or negative for Cantril and Oral Health Scale. Chi Square and t Student Test were used, with 5% of significance. The sample was 77 (mean age: 39 year-olds), being 54 for GE. Posture alteration was higher in TMD group (p>0.05), mainly in an anterior view (Thales Angle – 56%) and lateral view (anterior projection of head position – 74%), although alteration in scapular was higher in GC (67%). 30.2% from GE described life dissatisfaction compared with 13% from GC (p=0,2328); the negative oral health was 39.5% in GE compared to 26,3% from GC (p=0,1472).The OHIP was higher (mean=21,0) in GE compared with a mean of 10 do GC (p<0.05). Volunteers showed posture alteration, being the head position the alteration more associated with TMD. TMD showed a negative impact on quality of life to those TMD patients and an integrated work with Dentistry and physiotherapist could contribute to a health promotion on Brazilians adults.

Learning Objectives: 1. List two body postural alterations which is related with Temporo mandible dysfunction(TMD) 2. Discuss the impact on quality of life in individuals who had TMD 3.Develop a health program which integrate a multidisciplinary contents for TMD patients

Sub-Theme: Building capacity for applied research