Objective: To explore HIV-positive young adults’ lifestyles, behaviors and HIV-related knowledge that might influence their effective adherence to ART and maintenance of safer behaviors over time.
Methods: Semi-structured in-depth interviews were carried out with 18 adolescents/young adults infected with HIV perinatally, who were under HIV treatment and care at a university-based public outpatient unit from Rio de Janeiro,
Results: Participants were 15-20 years old with around 8 years of formal education, all participants were on HAART, and eight reported being sexually active. The vast majority of participants didn’t know what is HIV/AIDS (N=15). Sexually active participants reported that disclosure difficulties influenced their ability to negotiate condom use. Concerns about the possibility of finding a cure to AIDS were frequent, as well as internalized angry due to the positive diagnosis, fear of stigma/discrimination and feeling of being indestructible, in spite of adopting risky behaviors such as unsafe sex and/or skipping ARV pills. Conclusion: Lack of proper knowledge about HIV/AIDS might deeply jeopardize youth adherence to ARV, a complex and life-long treatment. A comprehensive prevention and care approach targeting HIV+ youth from
Learning Objectives: Participants will have access to a thorough information about the implementation of the free and universal access to AIDS treatment in Brazil, and will have a complete overview of the current epidemic among adolescents and young adults in this country. Findings from a qualitative study conducted with adolescents living with HIV/AIDS from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, will be also shared with the audience. Major learning objectives include: access to a live discussion about the access to AIDS treatment within a developing country context, including its pitfalls and lesson learned.
Sub-Theme: Progress on prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, Malaria, and Tuberculosis