In 2000, a new type of school of public health was established in Kyoto University and Kyushu University. Before 2000, there was only one school of public health named the National Institute of Public Health since 1938, but it was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Welfare and it is a little different from schools under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. Public health education was reviewed from the historical viewpoint to improve it.
(Historical view of public health education)
Japanese public health has been mainly carried by public health centers. Staffs of these chiefly consist of public health nurses and medical doctors. Public health education has been given to these in their schools. The National Institute of Public Health provides several courses to brush up their practical faculties.
Since 2000, a new type of schools was established. They are two-year master courses of public health in universities. Contents of their lectures are decided by each university. Reviewing contents of the lectures of Kyoto University which has longest history of the new type education shows the difference of old one. Before 2004 students should learn medical ethics, medical economics, epidemiology, health policy, medical statics, environmental science and health education. After 2004, periods of health policy, medical economics and environmental science are reduced. Periods of epidemiology and statics are increased. Special courses for genetic counseling, clinical researcher and clinical trial coordinator are newly started.These courses are a little different from popular public health.
Lectures in these new schools seem to be a little different from classical public health. Purpose of these new type schools is becoming not clear.
School of Public Health in Japan should make clear vision to public health education.
Learning Objectives: Japan has made remarkable progress in public health. Now a new type of school of public health is established and some change in its education. Evaluation of these school is done.
Sub-Theme: Characteristics of high-performing schools of public health
See more of: Public Health Education for the 21st Century