142.18 Will developing countries achieve Millennium Development Goal number five without addressing the issue of unsafe abortion? A case study in Sudan

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Sadrivaan A and B (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
Joyce Wangui Kinaro, Senior, Program, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Kenya
Topic: Will developing countries achieve Millennium Development Goal number five without addressing the issue of unsafe abortion? A case study in Sudan
Author: Joyce Kinaro, PPFA; MA Population Studies, MPH

 Context: The issue of abortion is an extremely sensitive matter in Sudan and difficult to study in the community for cultural reasons. Despite stigmatization and legal restrictions, unsafe abortion is common among all communities in Sudan. The contraceptive prevalence rate is only 8 % with less than 7% using a modern method. Maternal mortality ratio is estimated at 590- 1,107/100,000 live births (Sudan Household Health Survey, 2007).

 Objective: To develop an evidence base about abortion in Sudan that can be used to develop program interventions, to inform service providers and other stake holders about the extent of the problem, and engage service providers in efforts to improve the situation of unsafe abortion in Sudan.

 Methods: Data collection both in the hospitals and at the community was carried out between October 2007 and February 2008. The study used structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions.
Results: Unsafe abortion is a common problem in all communities in Sudan. Unsafe abortion is more common among age group 20-29 years and among low socio-economic groups- 56.6 % among illiterate and primary level education and about 90 % among unemployed and manual workers. Women who report to hospitals with complications of unsafe abortion were reported to wait for up to 12 hours for services. Nurses and midwifes are not allowed to prescribe contraceptives or conduct post abortion care procedures.
Conclusion: Amend policies to expand reproductive health services provided by mid-level service providers to include post abortion care, contraceptives and make contraceptives more available in the community for all sexually active females, males and revise abortion law to make safe abortion more accessible.

Learning Objectives: To develop an evidence base about abortion in Sudan that can be used to develop program interventions, to inform service providers and other stake holders about the extent of the problem, and engage service providers in efforts to improve the situation of unsafe abortion in Sudan

Sub-Theme: Poverty, Health and Development: Achieving the Millennium Development Goals