Tuesday, April 28, 2009
John Snow (The Hilton Istanbul Hotel )
About the psychic experience of the man waiting for paternity.
Those familiar with psychoanalysis know the importance of primary relationships in the constitution of the identity of a person.
In our master thesis, we studied psycho-social circumstances that occurred on early childhood of young people who lived on the streets of the
Our PhD thesis, still in progress, aims to discern and interpret the emotions that arise with the conscience of paternity in men (which haven’t been abandoned in their own childhood) waiting for their first child, living in a situation of stable relationship. Our hypothesis is that the conscience that comes with the birth of a first child re-updates the main psychodynamic aspects related to the history and the subjectivity of the genitor, reflecting in practice and towards defining the ties of paternity.
We adopt psychoanalysis as a theoretical model, as well as a clinical-qualitative model (Turato.ER, 2003) to guide our data collection. We used interviews and asked that the subject did four drawings: first a free drawing, then, one of his family of origin, one of his current family and one of his son. The interpretation of the drawings is based on assumptions of the Drawing on Track-Stories procedure (Ayello-Vaisberg, 1997). Subjects were recruited from people who were known or by indication. We interviewed five men, aged between twenty five and thirty five years of age, Brazilians, who live in a stable relationship, and who had accompanied the gestation period of the first child. When carrying out the research, marital status or socio-economic aspects were not considered to be excluding factors. Our interviews were conducted in a room of a psychological practice, promoting the contact between the interviewer and interviewee, which is isolated, and illuminated with appropriate facilities.
Learning Objectives: discern interpret
Sub-Theme: Community mental health
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