At present, the global framework for action on chronic disease is strongly “WHO-centric”, defined by two World Health Organisation initiatives: the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and the Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. This paper explores the difficulties of developing a collective response to global health challenges and draws out some implications for chronic disease. It highlights how improved governance structures and partnerships, economic processes, and international laws and standards function as three, concurrent pathways for encouraging policy implementation at country level and for building collective commitment to address the transnational determinants of chronic disease.
The paper evaluates WHO’s initiatives on chronic disease in terms of these pathways, and makes the case for a Global Compact on Chronic Disease as a possible structure for advancing WHO's free-standing goal of reducing mortality from chronic diseases by an additional 2% between 2005-2015. Beneath this over-arching structure, the paper argues that global health stakeholders could achieve greater impact by coordinating their efforts within a series of semi-autonomous “policy channels” or workstreams. These workstreams – including trade and agriculture, consumer health issues, workplace health promotion, and the economics of policy investment and program financing – could act as focal points for collaboration between a wider range of health stakeholders, each working within their areas of comparative advantage.
Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to: Identify the key strategy documents that guide the “global response” to chronic, non-communicable diseases, including WHO-led initiatives; List some of the challenges to a coherent global response to chronic disease; Apply a model that highlights how partnerships and governance structures, international laws and standards, and economic and financing processes provide concurrent pathways for responding to the transnational determinants of chronic disease; Evaluate the merits of a Global Compact as a possible structure for renewing political commitment, securing funding, and monitoring progress towards a free-standing goal for reducing mortality rates from chronic disease.
Sub-Theme: The global threat of chronic diseases
See more of: Public Health Practices Around the Globe